Saturday, April 27, 2024


The Big Rumble

Del called to let you know
that he’s finally figured out
what’s been different since
the Big Rumble; that he
now knows the woes of
his own obstacles. The
first one is that he can’t
find the electrical sockets,
so no more connection,
no more engagement,
thanks to no more
frolicking zip and
no more frolicking
zap. The second
one, and he says
that there may
be a bit of a
chicken and
egg conun
drum here,
as if that
even mat
ters, he
notes, but…
the second
one is the
He says
he thinks
he’s men
tioned this
one before,
like out of
as an issue
of some sort,
but as something
he may have brought
upon himself, he assumed
it might be sort of phase
he could wriggle out of.
But now he knows the truth.
Now he knows it’s just a thing.
A thing that has no doubt
irrevocably changed him,
that cannot be reversed,
just like the no connection
with electricity thing, just
like the dissapeared elec
trical sockets. So he says
with ‘definity’ that these
characteristics, these
features, the ones
that are most resound
ingly new since the
Big Rumble, they
now simply make up
who he is and will be,
at least ever since that
wretched day. He’s not
arguing or saying any
thing with any hope
or positivity or even
negativity. These
are just the two
things that are
different about
him since then.
That’s it.
That’s all
he wanted
to relay.
He says
he’ll call

electrical question mark