Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Spinning My Tale
One More Time
Just for You

i shall tell today’s
story all cheeky with
humor and happy and
lighthearted levity

and that means
without any arc 
of severity rendering
this chip that’s been

stuck in the craw of
my shoulder non
but hell it’s

still here and it
hurts it exists
but that doesn’t
matter tonight

so i whisper my
fairy tale day
in all of its glorious
detail into your ear

come over here
i whisper
the closer you get
the tale that into

your most notable
ear i do whisper
and whisper and
whisper til all that

is left of me is but
that whisper a story
that comes to its end
as if a very last breath

a vapor which dances
a dance that is brief
as it twists and it turns
is expelled from a mouth

that was here and yet
now it just isn’t
all that is left is
a miniature wisp

aswirl like a
skater on ice
that keeps

faster and

my last
little puff

of existence
is a blur spun
as tight as
a bit that is

forcing a screw
into drywall
only up up and
in it goes it

has made its
way all the
way into your
beautiful ear

how sweet it
would be just
to watch it
so disappear

dreaming myself into oblivion