People That Grow Up, Though
I’d like to have a very serious
engagement with several of
them to see what they think
this means so I can determine
whether or not I have achieved
such an accomplishment (if an
accomplishment such a thing
is), and how they got there
and maybe see if they think
I have made progress in such
matters. Today I worked on
filling out disability forms. I
do not want to be on disability
but try to remain proactive as
I’ve tried like mad to get a job
for how many years now and
still do not have one. This is
not a sonnet unless one wants
to be snooty or perhaps more
open-minded about such things.
Do you know my preference,
snooty or open-minded? That
would be something if you didn’t.
I prefer an open mind above most
anything, I’d say. Most things,
anyway. Otherwise, why bother?