The Winter Months
are hard to be distinguished
from all of the other months.
sometimes around here they
are perceived neither warmer
nor cooler than the same
duration of summer months.
what’s more, the autumn and
the spring, while often celeb
rated with gusto in various
ways, more often than not
seem to have no discernible
differences from these seasons,
or even from each other, as
well. there was a bag of
truffles on the living room
coffee table. the coolest days
here are always my favorite.
i know a man who, when he
visits at that time, warms the
entire climate with his very
presence. which for me
could be horrible since i
despise heat and revile
any humidity that might
go along with that even
worse. all of this talk of
temperature is irrelevant,
however, since the afore
mentioned coolest days
are simply fonzarelli cool.