Sunday, July 07, 2024


When In Doubt, Call A Friend

should have been the punch line
of today, and vengeance isn’t
anything that comes easy to me,
but I’ll rebelliously rather begin with

the fortune that I received in the
cookie that was in the little plastic
baggie I received with my main
and only meal of the day today at

Panda Express in what was recently
called Westfield Mall in, I’ll go ahead
and say it just this once, dying down
town San Francisco, sometime mid-

afternoon. Where I lost my wallet
either at the cash register trying
unsuccessfully to receive a 20%
discount I was promised via email.

Or at the soda fountain after getting
all of my food after that unsuccessful
attempt somehow together in one
clump within my arms. Or at the

table so close to that soda fountain
(in case I needed an extra sip or two
before I finished my meal) where I
devoured my dinner. Or in the trash

can as I left the mall to head toward
Target, which is where I, after filling
up a grocery cart, finally realized my
wallet was missing, that it had no doubt

been discarded or left with all of the
plastic and green and government
issued thisses and thats that we all
deem so important because of their

absolute necessity at times—at one
of those four locations I just mentioned.
So rather than punch the end of the day,
I just thought I’d get it out of the way,

so that I might perhaps move forward
past 10:45pm on a night when I need
sleep, for tomorrow will be a gnarly one
at my job, and jobs—and jobs—are the

most important things not to lose in
this era of my clumsily slapdash life.

punch line