Tuesday, July 23, 2024


and what do I do with these notes?

sometimes I’ll go five six days without
writing a note. not one. and I have
to tell you, or maybe it’s just that I
want to tell you. I want to tell you
that when I go nearly a week with
out writing one single note there
is something physical that begins
to settle within me. that is an
illness. like a cold or something.
more like a stomach virus. like
what we call food poisoning, does
that not cover a lot, food poisoning?
yes it seems to me that is a particularly
good way to describe what it is like. there
is this getting sick that happens in which
it feels that all of what is inside of me
needs to come out and tries so hard
to do so but nothing does. so my
entire body becomes this thick
achy swollen log sort of thing
and I’ll sit with it and sit with
it and sometimes I have to
go to work or take a walk
to the grocery store or
run errands but I’ll do
just about anything to
get out of moving at all
when I’ve not taken a
note for several days.
it doesn’t take very
long for me to realize.
in fact the older I get
the sooner into this
big achy swollen log
thing I am when I
realize that of course.
I haven’t taken a note
in nearly a week. and
notes are easy. how
easy it is to write a
note! some notes
are easier to write
than others but come
on. so I write it down
whatever it is I write
and almost immediately
I feel just fine.
