Tuesday, July 30, 2024


“I don’t get the reference.”

A phrase which might find you
somewhere in the vicinity of my
age. I say it a lot, thinking “I’m
so old!” I’m mostly kidding. I

mean I’m to the point where I’ve
begun to often have this thought:
“I’m old.” That isn’t so negative,
is it? And I’m fortunate to have

the means by which I can usually
glean the meaning of some odd,
bizarre or up-to-this-point mean
ingless reference. Plus I’ve a dic

tionary for discovering the heinous
meanings that now lie beneath all
of what had been until recently our
most innocuous words. Does having

to do this kind of homework make
me feel older? Sure. But it also gives
this elder a rejuvenated, more broad-
minded, giddy and even hopeful sense

that the world is somehow being righted
by and about what is to come. What
I’ll never even know. What is not lost
on me is the twisted sense of humor.

What a promising set of comedians these
less old folks are to have so slyly turned
language on its ears and into such a romp.
