Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I wanna rock right now
           —Rob Base and D.J. E-Z Rock

Like slamming into a brick wall. Being
slammed into one, wow, is that a memory,
now that I’ve been more off than on? So
out of touch. And by touch I mean. Spotify

thinks I am a Gen Z influencer. Can you believe
influencer? Can you believe content creator? Do
you think I mind how old I am? I’m into duration.
What I’m not into is girth. Do you think I like

looking like I’m about to give birth? I never
wanted a baby from me. To come from me. The
idea of what it would take to have one. To come.
To go. Although going was never really for me.

Unless it was all weekend. All night was fine, too.
This has been me coming at you like a space cow
boy from somewhere in the past thinking about
the notch of your now. And of mine, too. Hopefully.

space cowboy coming to you from the future's past