Tuesday, August 06, 2024


The Wrong Pharmacy

   In my notes I had three or four things I wanted
   to draw to your attention, but it no longer seems
                                                —John Ashbery

I went to the wrong pharmacy.
Well. I went to no pharmacy.
I had misread my Google search.
This happens often, lately – I need

a new prescription. I mean of course
I do, but I meant glasses this time.
Where was I? Oh, the wrong place, 
and no pharmacy, it was just a regular

Safeway. Which isn’t entirely true.
There was a deli. There was a little
place where one could buy cigarettes
and/or get money orders. It was just

a Safeway at which I wound up trying
to refill a stupid prescription I don’t need.
But I want it anyway. All is not lost, either.
There’s another Safeway down the street

and if I’m reading this Google search correctly,
there is a pharmacy there and it’s open until 8pm.
But now I’m tired and need to weigh my options.
Or else sleep. Which is what I want anyway.

Joseph Bruno, founder of Piggly Wiggly, dead at 83