Tuesday, October 08, 2024


My Experience Was Different Than Yours

Some things in life are difficult.
Do you ever experience giddiness?

Refraining from using Who here,
What turns you on? Do you travel?

When do you experience a heightened
sense of guilt? Not ever? Are your

eggs bland? Here, have some salt
and pepper. Now are they better?

Your exam results in a frowny-face.
How do you feel? With whom do you

discuss this? With any depth? I think
about those underwater cliffs. They

often light up on the silver screen of
my mind’s eye. What cinema!

Yes, I remember how dark it was
down there, but on that imaginary

screen.... Those vivid, sheer bluffs.
Remember falling? As we fell

together I remember feeling so
high that I felt like crawling out

of my skin. But then I looked
over at you. I know it was dark.

Too dark to see. But I look over,
and you are so dapper in your

semi-dry. Our breath is in
sync. Inhaling and exhaling

together as we fall. . . . It’d be
years before we ever reached the

bottom. That’s when I blacked
out. No more silver screen. No

more light from darkness. The
climb up took but a week. I’m

never sure why I left you there.
Was your leg broken? Were we

playing hide and seek? I rose
from the shore a hero. But I

know what I am. I lie awake
most every night thinking of

falling, the memory of it, its
brightness, and the everlasting

solitude of celebrity. No more di
ving. Surely we can agree on that?

Land's End