Saturday, October 12, 2024


Hamlets & Burgs

His airplane landed
in Paris, France.

He hopped into a
taxi that took him

from the airport
to the train station.

Drifting across the
continent in a sleeper

car was the best way
he’d ever traveled

upon land, he
thought the next

morning. He’d
awoken in Köhn

where the train
had stopped just

long enough for
him to hop off

for a bit of

which consisted
of a nice, wet

omelet with
gruyère and

ground beef

robustly with
lots of potato,

after which he
swiftly returned

to his car on the
train where he

napped the rest
of the day away


of being on a
snake-like train

as seen from
way up high

that slithered its
way on a map

through endless
dots with long

names that no
matter how hard

he tried, he could
never pronounce.
