Wednesday, October 16, 2024


My Redundancies

If I could just but
bitch for just a moment,
maybe two, my love life,
my financial well-being
and my mortality might
have a thing or two to
say to you. But where
would I begin? And
what, pray tell, could
I say that hasn’t been
said so many times
before? So I retreat
and say that for starters,
most nights I sleep. I do.
These days, at least. This
tiny radar blip that used to
beep and beep and beep.
And when I reach as far
as I can reach I count
ten fingers (and that
while squinting). This
extroverted hermit
keeps his own company,
unless by luck of placement,
like, say, at work, a place
I try to go from day to day,
a few people pass me along
the way. Some say hello,
some even stop to shoot
the breeze for a mere
minute or two. And
those moments take
precedent over most
others save for those
in which I’m gabbing
for hours with my
most beloved, who
lives well below the
equator. So our
intimacy is of the
more 21st century
type. But most of
this you know already.
Or probably not. Either
way, for whatever reason,
I do like to share with you
that which I most treasure,
alongside that which causes
me the most distress. But
I digress. I always do.
In this one-sided
conversation that
goes from me
to you.
