Wednesday, November 06, 2024


To Leave When One Is No Longer Welcome

I swear to you I don’t
think I can do it. Not
this time. This place
that’s been mine from
the beginning of time.
My time, I mean, and
over this substantial
life, year over year
I’ve been spoiled
with the luxury of
seeing things move
in a progressive way
from fine to better to
great. But that was
up to a certain date
of several years back
when suddenly two
steps back stopped
meaning three steps
forward. Add a bit of
a tragic sucker punch
and the ground disapp
earing beneath my feet
to the equation and the
excruciatingly slow tor
tured slogging toward
reaching some semb
lance of where I once
was and never quite
getting close, well,
when such a familiar
menace hovers over us
it seems this time I
might should take
things into my hands
in such a way as to
escape that menace.
Even if it means say
ing goodbye to the
only place I’ve known,
the one I’ve for so long
called home. So, I’ll
know in the morning
if I’ll need to be going.
And if I do, I’ll be on
my merry way to some
where. Wherever that is,
I mayn’t have time to
really make a new home
there, but if you’d like you
can join me and I do promise
we’ll become to ourselves
what we were to this place
and this place was to us.
