Tuesday, December 31, 2024


More Colours (xvi)

gosh! as i read more of these to you, i am
realizing how
anxiety-ridden they are. or this bunch
seems to be. certainly are.
so i get lost in thought wondering what to do about

such a
tedious epiphany. maybe this is less of
an aha! moment than
it is a
nincompoop one.

Life hardly ever lives up to our anxieities.


More Colours (xv)

recently, i’ve been working tenaciously to try to
understand what people mean when they say

sometimes i
lie. i suppose i do this quite a bit,
i do, just as i’m confident most
people that aren’t me do, as well. also, i’m a
essentially this tiny truth is
revealing only when i add that one significant reason i am
still writing these daily poems is they’re an easy exercise to force out a few in
public.       #maintaintinghumility



More Colours (xiii)

twenty-five years, or almost, it’s been that
i have resided in
california. these have included my best times and the most
kick-in-the-nuts hard times that this
lovestruck loser has
ever encountered. so i endure. this mixed bag
does not mean that my general

positive outlook and the love of my state and city have diminished. but
i might should say that it has certainly evolved. i do hope i don’t come across as a
negative nancy, countering what i have laid out in the lines above. if i do, that
knowledge would rip at my very foundation, for i’ve too much to do and i’m
                    giddy as can be to get it all done.

evict landlords    fill empty homes

Saturday, December 28, 2024


More Colours (xiv)

vilifying an
individual, for whatever reason or reasons, does
not necessarily or even usually
take care of
any of the alleged problem(s), does it? but is it strictly not a
good idea to do so? i mean how might we best

underlying problems posed by any of these
rascals, wherever they happen to fall on the
unavailable (but nevertheless can we get one?) scallywag scale?
oh, i don’t know. but at some point, people like me, at least, must
ignore them for a
stretch, if for no other reason than to refresh, to
energize enough that we go back at them with clearer focus and renewed vigor.

calm is a superpower

Friday, December 27, 2024


More Colours (xii)

be well, on this, the 82nd anniversary of my dad’s birth,
ripped from the world too soon, as they say and, please
understand, i
say it, too. were he still around, i wonder what
he would think of his weirdo son now. pay attention long
enough to anyone and you’ll begin to
detect their flaws. even the charming idiosyncrasies might be

adequate enough to lead to a downfall, a crisis that
looms largest in the overall trajectory of a life.
understandably, these
may also lead the victim of these faults to
inevitable betterment, but
no matter whether it’s from the outside looking
upon or literally experiencing it in person, odds are that
many of these self-defeating characteristics can be chalked up to genetics.

off to basic training

Thursday, December 26, 2024


More Colours (xi)

he’d tell the story
every time the extended family held
a gathering of any kind. he’d been a
rowdy kid. and a sleepwalker. he’d work from sun-up
to sundown at the ranch that was
handed down from his grandpa to his dad, and it was expected that
soon it would be his, being a full-fledged
teenager now. and while of course that was a fate worse than death,
one night he dreamt he was in hell’s belly and he was furious to escape. the
next morning he awoke on the grass just a few feet away from the
embers of the home in which he’d lived his entire life. up until then.

such is the way...

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


More Colours (x)

the story of christmas
it now seems clear to
me, has been, will always
be, a story of fallen trees. and power. take, for
example, i mean, surely you know the name if not the purported reputation,
remember that no matter how dear that good king

wenceslas may have been, he was
out of his realm, to put it poignantly. and he was never anything but a
lumberjack. actually, the ones i knew should have, could have toppled the old
fart. and they’d have done so with ease, precision and grace.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


More Colours (ix)

 quietly, we played our parts
 under the broiling sky. when
 asked what we were doing, we’d make
 rather vague motions with our heads.
redecorating,” one of us replied. we each cradled a baby
 yew, the roots faintly moist, so delicately that neither of us broke a sweat.

yew and me make it to the next century


More Colours (viii)

                 And then the crunch. Luncheon is served.

                                                —Bill Berkson

can we just not with the bang?
only i heard the anecdote more than once, or
not. at least in my imagination, where wires are incessantly
crossed (something to do with my name, for a buck).
really, can we not, if i say this is more a demand than an
entreaty? regionally, we crossed paths in bolinas. not.
to thunderous applause, several times a day, he enters and
exits. in other words, i only exist. here, take this chunk of mirror.

at all times (concrete)

Sunday, December 22, 2024


More Colours (vii)

boyfriends are not what i’m supposed to be talking about this go-round, rather
extolling a subject at hand, or creating more fictive fun narratives. keeping it
frivolous and relevant, in
other words. to basically
reiterate in a straightforward manner, the device of this
era of acronymic poems based on the plethora of color chips i have left is

thus far trending less romantic, less thematic, more one-offs based on the
here and now. or whatever it is that this (may i just say, my, rather than boring,
eccentric brain concocts the moment i sit to write one. These seem more

relaxing, a way to wind down, but it is an
almost an impossible task not to bring the hero up now and again. (
in this one, for example, he floated me $90 so my bills don’t bounce. in a pinch.)
night falls. it’s nearly christmas. if this one’s a bit flimsy is it a good or bad thing?*

*if one has to clarify something within the explanation of a series segment’s
  schtick, wouldn’t the easy response be “his roundabout way of saying what
  he’s currently writing about in one of his series sections with the larger pro
  ject, i mean, having to include a footnote, especially, but yet still different
  iating fairly specifically between two seemingly similar series-within-the-
  projects seems such a confusing meta, i have no idea what to call it, a
  clueing in the readers, should there be any, ever, of what is transpiring 
  might just be a way to create a life that isn’t there. does this, then,
  eradicate or further allow it to remain stuck in his subconscious so as to
  not really talk about anything? but i dare you to suggest i talk about
  nothing. in general. i didn’t say it was relevant. i just argue it isn’t
  nothing. that this might be a life that is worth recounting in some way
  presently and/or in the future, should, again, one choose to read any of
  this. many authors might call these particular meanderings juvenile. in
  general. in the way they are presently presented. go ahead. you may if
  you want. preferably, to my face. the joy that would bring, as i imagine
  it, is no doubt exponentially less than that which would be true were it to
  actually happen.

dumdum meta dumb


More Colours (vi)

     ...but who wants to hear about my identity?
     I see two hands raised in the back row.
                                                                         —Ronald Palmer

see dick rethink language in everything they take in (
money might be everything): every song by Dire Straits, every
opera, even the ones they wrote that master’s thesis about, every film. all
knowledge somehow just stops and gets rewritten. but seriously? they’re
elder, this has to be something like dementia, like

alzheimer’s, but with such mind
numbing speed it’s more like, say, a stroke?
dick’s worst possible scenario is feeling like

a stupid idiot, slipping toward the median, if not lower.
suddenly, there are no apologies for how they were raised.
hegemony! dick’s brain-blown by the ramifications of evolving. and at this hour!?

xmas identification

Saturday, December 21, 2024


More Colours (v)

are the embers
faint or are
embers still that bright

take some comfort in the
heat, of course.
embers are deadly, yes, they are

fire in one of its more resonant forms.
i’d say mediocre,
rather, but one must present a template of
example for whether we want to be pyro or protector.


Thursday, December 19, 2024


More Colours (iv)

now i wonder about quality. about
improvement with age. i’ve
gone through a few sets of these.
how for well over
twenty years i’ve been working on this

one project. a project
which, each night, i
lean further into, linger upon, wondering about the ridiculous.

mind the gap


More Colours (iii)

i know what i think sometimes. the revolution,
now, almost at its nexus. it’s the most

terrible thing to be lying on the floor. to
hear with your very own
ears how

disgusting those without paychecks
are. while the
keep getting richer.



More Colours (ii)

 energized by the mood of the family gathering,
 lawrence felt it was finally time to push the
 envelope and spill the beans about the entire
 prickly subject he’d been unable to bring up thus far.
hey,” he’d stood up and started walking
 around as the rest of the family were interacting with each other,
 not paying attention in the least. realizing this, lawrence’s head spun, he was 
 teetering toward a breakdown as his uncle lay unconscious in the basement.

elephant in hayes valley


More Colours (i)

ready, set, go!”
  ally thinks to herself before picking up her
  iphone. she dials. they’re waiting for her. she
  nods and begins to
  sell her experience.
  this goes
  on for about an hour. the next morning, she’s
ready, set, go!”
  maybe. but, also, maybe not.

nob hill rain


Do It Again

I said I was going to do
something else, so tired
I was of doing the same
thing over and over. Well,

here I am again in typical
repetitive mode. I wonder
how often I’ve said this very
same thing with completely

different words. I imagine
I’ve performed the selfsame
function utilizing alternative
choreography. As I lose cog

nizance, I wonder if tomorrow’s
sentient creatures already exist.


Saturday, December 14, 2024



As a kid, I’d hope so desperately for preppy,
well aware that I didn’t have what it took:
money. There’d be ways to get away with it,
as I would find out inevitably. I never wanted

to be normal, though, or plain, and sought to
confuse the look with something off-kilter.
Which had me at times come across a bit
Elvis-y. Which was cool. Then uncool.

Before it got cool again, I hung out with goth
kids, wanting not to look like them, but instead
to sponge a bit of that punk attitude. Did anyone
notice? There were also the tattoo boys with their

ears and noses pierced. I so wanted ink or just one
hole, but portrayal is pretense and I’d be no wannabe.


Friday, December 13, 2024


Some Partial Responses

Sometimes throwing up is not
not part of the answer. Listen
to Holding Out for a Hero (the
best part is when the guns

start going off toward the end
of the video) and once you are
thoroughly grossed out allow
the behind the scenes version

of the video of Bonnie Tyler’s
Total Eclipse of the Heart to
randomly play next. That’ll
really get your day going. Re

fuse to attend any funerals.
Celebrate life and the lives of
those lost alone while watching
the tide roll in and then roll out.

calming balm



One might say without hyperbole
that each morning we manage to
wake up to begin another day, much
if not most—or, really, all of what

is experienced each hour of that
couple dozen hours, should we
make it through, is unprecedented.
As we cross the threshold of any
new moment we’re going through

something so unique it has not been
done before. There is such meaning,
poignancy we can take from each.
This routine can take on a normalcy,

in that it is so familiar, so constant.
And then, holy shit!, there was today.

exclamation point

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Diary Entry – No Way to Encapsulate via this Writing Method
(Hence, I Keep Writing The Whiplash Sonnets)

My step-father, Rick, unexpectedly died a week ago.
I didn’t go to the funeral, which was Monday, in Arkansas,
of course. There are so many reasons for this not going,
some I’d rather not list here now, but mainly I cannot afford

to. So, same as usual, the successful smarty-pants now can’t
even be at the funeral of his mother’s husband, so I make it about
me, about my insecurities. Sure, things are tough for me, too,
at the moment, with too many things I have to take care of here in

San Francisco. But now I worry about what’s going to happen with
Mom now that Rick is gone; Mom, who’s been ailing for decades,
cannot get around on her own, and Rick worked full time plus, so
that the bills were payed and he could help her around. Mom has

relatives who help, which gives comfort but does not rid the guilt.
A sonnet can’t tell this story well or at length so I keep them going.

mom & rick's wedding photo


Is What I’m Doing Whiplash?
What I’m Doing Causes Whiplash.
What Was I Doing? It Gave Me Whiplash.

When stuck inside a labyrinth, turn
what takes you over into nonsense—
one way out is via laughter. But laughter
is unpredictable and impossible to

elicit (without bias) predictably. Who
sees eye-to-eye? The vectors between
each of us always evolve and slope.
And with such shifting gradients, any

attempt at locking eyes with yours
gives my eyes spasms, causes gnarly
head[aches]trauma. So then what, be
elitist? Submit? Absolutely! Scrape

those bloody knees and elbows clean!
(I’m not quite sure if I am even joking.)

labyrinth ghosts


The Whiplash Sonnets

I feel ill-equipped to explain
what I’m doing here. Even and
especially if I had no constraints
whatsoever I would not feel com

fortable it would take forever and
in the end I’m pretty sure I’d be
saying nothing. While initially I
meant how these sonnets are

particular, different, specific, even
though I sonnet a lot. I do what I 
call sonnets, have made so many. 
But now I could be talking about

the whole thing, the entire project. 
Do I mean academically? Legitimacy.

whipping around a pole


Whiplash (part 2)

Exploring the possibility that I’m meta
phorically that I’m in a matter of speaking
(writing) expressing academic insecurity with
regard to what I do most every day and have

for over thirty years (splaying words as purported
lyrics) (and publicly) and versus (verses, ha!) (of
those lines stacked in totality) how many of them,
per page (let’s say virtually or otherwise) (no, let’s

not, that
d be aging myself) (I give too much away) 
are sonnets; and, well, what I infer if not with seem
ing confidence present as sonnets. Because, and,
yes. I have two academic degrees (while I dare not

speak for anyone else?) in disciplines one might call
poetry-adjacent. The impossibility of encapsulation.




Is this kind of positive energy
generational because I really
need it not to be I need it to
be more like evolution skips

a generation more like a rev
olution or something?
His mind
is racing too fast and he knows
this he always knows this his

psychiatrist calls this pressured
only he’s not speaking to
anyone but himself in his head walk
ing home late yet again no so quiet so

dark sweaty gorgeous early from the
party his abso-favorite time of morning.

copy of sith?

Friday, December 06, 2024


Political Farts

How does the word crazy
fit into your vocabulary.
When Jerry married Mr.
Nomenclature, she had no

idea what she was in for.
Eleven seasons of Ms. Pro-
Nunciation. Take this test:
Are you an Archie or a Jug

head? I did. Mine came out
Egghead (tax credit!). Don’t
laugh now, class, because
next up, we’re all going to

learn how to bark like cows.
It’s called a reversal of fortune.

3 F Arts

Thursday, December 05, 2024


The Gone Generation

Here be the Isn’t Enough Time Left
section. Making sonnets during
this era leaves heads spinning (if
interested; if not disinterested)

with ambiguity and incompletion.
At what is this bozo pointing
with such pretend precision?

ain’t anything that matters, bro.

The magnets moving civilization
in the generic direction of evolution
done broke. Ker-blam! Imagine
it that. You won’t make it to the

pop. Weasels of the hemisphere
unite to tip-toe final seismic tightwire.

The Clown Generation


The Wrong Generation

The world’s coming to an end.
Or haven’t you heard? I’m only
stating the obvious, just a little
exposition to place us somewhere

around where we are. Don’t put
off until tomorrow what you can do
is emblazoned over a socially
anxious media’s second cousin (act

ually first; was I attempting to in
crease the distance?). Symptom:
increased mesmerizing via infant
ilizing. That might be all we need

to know. Things get so damned hot
we’re finding it impossible to breathe.

laughing fireworks

Wednesday, December 04, 2024


The Last 72 Hours

Finished A Man on the Inside in nearly
record time – I never used to finish shows.
I either lost interest or refused to finish
them (getting slower and slower until I

just hit pause forever) if they were super-
fantastic. Started Killing Eve, finally – wow!
And Skeleton Crew, which literally soars thus
far. Canceled a trip abroad, sadly, due to a

family emergency. Lost a sibling (he’s still
alive, but is, in that final straw way, lost to
me) reaching out to him due to losing our
step-father (no longer alive). Text mess

ages bandying cardiac arrest, intubation,
anoxic, ICU and, lastly, tonight, extubation.

celebrity realism


How To Get Unstuck

Urgently evaluate whether you’ve stepped into
mud, quicksand or swiftly-drying concrete. Either
way, use every ounce of energy until and unless
you’re two-thirds up your calves in whatever

wants you to die there. Before that, attempt
to remove the leg closest to what appears to be
the most solid ground (best if you can note and
utilize the last step you took to get here) and once

it is removed (if so) place it on that spot, by any
means. Before that, however, scream from the top
of your lungs: “Help!” “I’m sinking!” “Quicksand!”
and “I’m dying!” Do not wait for help. While struggling

to survive, pray hard to whatever higher power in
whom or which you might believe, should one exist.

swamp thing

Sunday, December 01, 2024


Weird Time

Dumb little portals
of memory. Best
friends you’ve never
met. Boyfriends you’

very good looking. I
saw you there, sitting
at that desk, pencil-
tip to mouth. Or was

it eraser? Funny how
Erasure is a band. The
electricity in the brain
goes limp, hurtles; inside

the skull-cum-galaxy. The
people you really know.

good times