Monday, January 27, 2025


More Colours (xliii)

at this very moment, right
now, I’m editing poetry
that I wrote years ago, getting
it (nearly 4,600 poems at present) tucked into a
quintessentially narcissistic project that i nevertheless argue holds not exactly the
utmost importance but nevertheless has rather ubiquitous and therefore universal scope.
every angle an be argued, right? well, i’m doing that. presently. i am

likewise, simultaneously (or thereabouts), cleaning my tiny
apartment, making phone calls regarding therapy, taking phone
calls about jobs, applying for jobs, keeping myself hydrated, wondering about dinner. what
else? my mind seems to be wandering all over the place. and so i’m also wondering about
         the impact to each of these various tasks that this multi-tasking has. my conclusion:
         things will be fine. or maybe not. but there are pros and cons to getting one’s work
         done in such a manner. presently and summarily, i am just fine with that.
