Tuesday, December 27, 2005


true as often as not the sprigs of April
make me freak lately I just walk and walk
I always enjoy doing that though my

kitchen is a disaster I walk where the willow
and the pigeon and the secret lies of taxis
lie as true as often as I freak in April

I come as often as the sprigs of April
in the bueno underwear of my colleagues
but it is your size of secrets that I adore

I did not come in your underwear toward
the willow and the pigeon in those famed
steeple tops of your good-sized sprigs

this is not funny but I freaked you under
there and I always enjoy doing that in the
VIP area where true as pigeons I walked

I do that even though I always say I don’t
yes and lately I’ve been walking majorly
to the shore to the one shore where in April

if I destroy your pillow I make love to your
pigeon and it will help me write this

no freak no I love you in the burbs at half-mast
listening to reggae with the willows

no no I freak in April in the willows and the
pigeons freaking is the most love I’ve ever known