Monday, October 29, 2007


Every word is death.   Therefore the anger of eye is also
of voice of brain of arm of skin of ever more sensitive
to touch to lift losing tranquillity caress.

I am list.   Me.   This.   List.   Therefore.   Let’s.

back up.   To Friday night the Equinox spinning
360° view of the Bay/Financial District at
Hyatt Embarcadero white wine cheeses
olives.   Then dancing at.

“A doctor dressed as Captain America was arrested
after groping a woman at a bar and fighting with her boyfriend,
authorities said.”

Then dancing at Café got e-mail kid from Pixar
on Saturday rainy like last week and
yesterday drove to Berkeley bought
$92 used books.   $92 used.   $92 death.   All death.

Please don’t tell me I am doing something new here.
I’m not trying to be complicated.   It’s just

We these poems.   for Vertigo presentation.
And these again.   just we on the fire and.
Also together.   these a notwithstanding.
And also.   just watched and bitched.
And recently.   island and postcard.
And hummingbird.   these we island postcard.
And weakly.   “but something besides death?”

this is war.