Monday, June 22, 2009


PNG Alpha Transparency with MSIE vs.
Auto CEOs fly private jets to ask for bailout

This movie pretty much confirms my transformation
into a postmodernism-hating sap. I think. But I’m
happy to be coaxed or convinced otherwise. The
whole thing is so pedantic – except to say the refusal
or inability to live life to its fullest every second
(reasonably enough to continue to live to the next
second) – much less spending an entire awkward life
of unhappiness – simply does not resonate with me.
Furthermore, I fully believe you can embark upon a
“lifetime art project” (silly, tragic, or otherwise)
with mucho gusto and all the while be perfectly
capable of milking reality of every last ounce of
happiness or pleasure that is in any way available.
I’m at the Tenderloin Pakwan’s after picking up an
X-Men DVD. I do like my hot pakoras. Orgy in the
steamroom today: all white guys. I just finished
Rae Armantrout’s Veil – really got into it. Also reading
Torn Awake by Forrest Gander. I promised a week
without dates – a week all to myself – but how can I reneg
on this invitation? I remain, as always, ready for someone

to knock some sense into me. I mean I’m
not saying I couldn’t get good & well engrossed in a film
about the tragedy of never being able to do those simple things
you need to do in order to experience love & happiness & all that
if it were actually well-written.
That’s all I’m saying.