Today was okay
A cock is a dick
—Ariana Reines
Morphing into Ariana (do you mind
if I call you that?) with a Sharpie
pen. Surely she’d use
a computer.
Mine is currently occupied.
consolidating sound files.
music that takes up an extra-
ordinary amount of “space” – and
effort. It’s a very
high priority.
(Yes, I’m unemployed.
So what?!)
I was going to morph anyway, but
the anger is vital here.
And I just
can’t play that (on a regular basis?).
Even my “So what?!” a pretty much
fake and lousy attempt.
I could write a really long piece
about a movie. I have
done this,
am doing this now, if I am to believe
in these pieces I’ve sliced and diced
into a world by time traveling, bits
and pieces of ... myself? ... sure,
so that I’m no longer Joshua Gordon-
Leavitt but am now, instead, Bruce
Willis. I’m not my
father, I’m myself!
And while the young myself is a heart-
throb I’d love to do (even just a marsh-
mallow kiss) – the me that is me is
fucking Bruce Willis!
I mean
I AM BRUCE!!! Come
get me now
before all of this heat is heartattack
or the anger and bitterness I’m not. 4ever.