Thursday, March 28, 2013


Found: World’s oldest message in a bottle.
                            —a tweet from Roger Ebert

I look around for a few friends who still turn
red with rage when they hear people speaking
loudly into their cellphones while aboard public
transportation.  Or use the word ‘hella’.  We all
go shopping at Macy’s and Banana Republic.

The party on Sunday had a cast of thousands.
There were a few memorable standouts, like
the big guy who is moving to San Antonio
and the queeny guy from our nation’s capital.
And the underage brainless hottie that we all

feel responsible for, in some way.  Nobody
knows yet which of us he idolizes.  Speaking
of underage, how about that video of seductive
dancing that shone the spotlight on You-Know-
Who?  If you ask me, that’s when the night got

strange.  None of us have trade secrets any
more.  It took several games of Scattegories
to soundly nip that rhinocerous in the bud.