Saturday, March 30, 2013


My heart is a mutilated snake farm.
                               —Jack Kimball

Do you think maybe I’m reading
too many books at once?  But I have
the luxury of doing it all from home
now.  I do it all at home.  There’s a
fly in the living room and your chest
is on fire.

You don’t have to wait until Sept-
ember to feel defeated, that’s for
sure.  I couldn’t answer so I went
to Philip Whalen.  This works out
well so we all go to pizza at a joint
on Fillmore.  It’s close to where our
dance instructors live.

Also, yesterday I had a board meeting.
Then birthday cake at the cha cha pad.
Then Bottom of the Hill for a difficult
resignation.  After that we had lunch
on Portrero Hill.  Then we walked to
Union Square and took MUNI to the
Castro for dessert. 

Sorry, that was a trick question.  There’s
never any decent dessert in the Castro.