Sunday, August 30, 2015


My Plastic Surgeon’s Prosthesis

I’ll attempt to get this one up
just for you, if you’ll bear with
me just a bit. I’m a guy who
likes the occasional slice of pie.

Just to set the record straight
(ugh!), I saw it all while thumb-
ing through the Instagram (some
might say only to be misproven

later by the literary journal
Jingle). Our eyes are now clothes.
Please don’t let this bother you.
No, don’t cry (sigh!). Seriously,

we just thought it was funny
while we were bathing with
the hippies. What a chic fest
up north! With lots of chickens

scrambling to get ahead of the
game. This wasn’t San Fran-
cisco, after all. Nope. But
neither was it just any neck

of the woods itching for a
menu with a reputation. My
attempt to be clear (just this 
once) was “You’re So Vain.”


Saturday, August 29, 2015


But hearing doesn’t happen nowhere.
                          —Susan Gevirtz

The cat of making
notes on a piece of
paper is more like
dog ball. The bowl

of lunch isn’t much.
And so on. He says
he has good news
and bad news. One:

he’s dancing tonight
(which is what I
wanted to do in the
first place); and Two:

he has to work to-
morrow. Everything
was uncomfortable
for the rest of the

evening. But still,
we’re off to The
Orgy (it’s called;
a 1-shot, all-night

circuit party, if
that helps). I’ve
spent a lot of time
on a tire. Once there,

we make a movie
of it. I’m completely
ignoble, so thereafter,
a spike in the tendons

is all but certain.
Needles to say, after
that, it was curtains
for the two of us.


Friday, August 28, 2015


I Am My Own Self

Not another mantra, Martha!
Like Frank O’Hara, “Never
argue with the movies,”
George. Gorgeous Sunday

afternoon. Why don’t we
go out and play? After all,
the opera doesn’t begin ’til
three and we’ve got nothing

but time on our hands.
So he refuses to wash his
hands for several seasons.
In I come, all happy to be,

happy to be. I was waiting
in line for a hot dog, taking
it all out on him. “Penetra-
tion mi amor!” Then it’s

back to his place for a nap
while he does laundry.
And what a nice nap it is!
Later that same yesterday,

I head west, feeling fresh,
happy, myself. The breeze
as I pass Starbucks on
New Montgomery.

The chill as I approach
the tunnel that ducks be
neath Yerba Buena Island.


Thursday, August 27, 2015


While I Am Wondering How to Respond

I insert a Breath Saver
into my mouth.  Me,
my, I, ho...  Who’s gentle-
man enough to receive

me?  Because this is
the last time we will
ever do it.  After the
fire, the one that

transpired directly
after we officially
moved in, while
we were vacation-

ing in Paris (Ark-
ansas), several
months passed
before the bath-

room cabinet
stopped smell-
ing like a ham

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



Of course
I’m on my
way out
to him
it all,
and play
For an hour
I read a bit
of Bok and
head down-
town.  Lunch
at a restaurant
on the bridge
(and not very
good).  Back
home to an
nap.  Then
Then a
I didn’t
shed a

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Nice Data

I’m too
to utter.
But mad
(not an
after receiving
a jarhead haircut.
So I take a sleeping
pill.  To no avail.
I write a note
to myself:
had his garden.”
It was horrible
and fun.  We
sat at the top
where I found
myself a bottom.

Friday, August 21, 2015


The typo wound be ‘paining.’
                           —Robert Hass

Who catches the wound
the first time around?
Not me.  People also
argued, as in “People
made arguments”
(also Hass), but
I didn’t bother
them today
the people
nor the arguments).
Instead, I attended
Sports Bar Trivia Night,
which was hallucinatory.
At least I’m more
photogenic (right now)
than I usually am.

Thursday, August 20, 2015



He pilfers around for a while
and gets ready for things
as if I want to go have
dinner with him.  So
we walk downhill
to Burger King.

Right now I’m still fighting
this cold and I want to
go home.  Should I?

(But this is home,
isn’t it?)

Because tonight we
are going to a concert—
the symphony—
to hear something
called “Frankenstein.”

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


oh disasters      factories      memory and actors       dossiers
                                                                      —Barbara Guest

I wonder what will happen.

The importance of being notebook.

I holler at the writings of Tim Dlugos.

There is a canyon between it and me.

Or at least a Great Divide.

(I drop a shoe down into the divide

as I down two aspirin

plus “cold crunchers” from the office medicine cabinet,

so gung-ho about the break-up, etc.)

After dealing all day with it’s now cold,

the aspiration and the perspiration

simply do not add up.

ducking poling bumping sinking and swimming
and we arrive at the beach
                                              —Frank O’Hara


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


How Do You Read This?

I have,
it appears,
taken height
to a new level.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Play On, Player!

“Good morning!”
said Why Is It
Called a Flea Market?,

his favorite thing,
being of course,
the game

he never
intends to
win. He

watches me
this morning
while I mis-

place my


two nickels

But glory dis-
appears at
dusk; leaves

an itch
each ear.


Sunday, August 16, 2015


High Fashion

Sentences are so
ugly these days.

Especially mine.


Saturday, August 15, 2015


Remote Control Sonnet

     When they murdered us by remote control, they
     sang to themselves a lot.

                                                 —Alice Notley

My motivation is
killing me. I’ve lost
the one that counted,
so a shopping spree

is impossible. He’s
right, of course, to
be in love with the
two of them. Add

it up; it only makes
sense. Something is
going to be repaired
in my apartment today.

I guess I will find out 
what it is around 2pm.

Something is going to be repaired in my apartment today.

Friday, August 14, 2015


I Thought You Said This Was the Wrong Planet

What to do, apologetically?
Go to bed at the wrong
hour. Float. Nothing
does any good.
Always shoot
fire into the 
River of Hope.

River of Hope

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Uncomfortable Talk Show

Late night anxiety.
Please don’t open
your camera on me!

me and my trumpet

Monday, August 10, 2015


I feel like I’m in a story I can’t follow.
                            —Alice Notley

“Can you tell the difference?
I’m trying to make myself

sick,” he says, adding that
he hasn’t showered in a

couple of weeks (at least).
After which he reminds me

to walk the streets, saying
it just like that, “Don’t forget

to walk the streets!” Then
he gives me a hug and

walks out the door, maybe
this one last time, to do

exactly that. Because he 
has remembered to do so.


Saturday, August 08, 2015


asdf jkl;

He taught me
how to flip a
coin. Twelve
years of piano
lessons with
eight comp-
uters (three
of them lap-
tops!). I stand
in solidarity
with those
ers. Con-
vinced, I
chant “It
is no good;
it is no good;
it is no good.”
I should not
be writing
any of this,
I know. It’s
not helping,
but this I can
do without
even thinking,
without even
blinking. I
attempt a
full stop,
but having
moved away
from the keys
my fingers keep
going, tap-tap-
tapping on any-
thing surface,
but knowingly,
as if this moment
were always here,
as if this dance is
utterly inescapable,
yet ongoing, in- 
finite, incapable.

asdf jkl;

Friday, August 07, 2015


Technical Difficulties

The wrong phone is buzzing.
I can see how this could be
a problem. I have one year
left in Boston (I will catch up
with myself in San Francisco,
eventually). I write ‘check out
new e-zine: Jacket’ on June 24.
Oh, Fortune Teller, now it is
Cinco de Mayo, and I find my-
self so suddenly single. Is it
serious (as in real)? Or am I
perhaps mental or ill? At
this time, 2:01am, I honestly
have no idea. So I sit down
and try to feel. Which is not
the brightest idea on an
occasion such as this, I must
admit. Piece by piece, I
empty the box, which
has no answers, just a
deadpan observer. Life is
one dumb question after
another. I have never felt
more certain of this, I
say to the empty box. So
sure am I that I comp-
letely forget to go to the
movies. Instead, I nod
off, sinking comfortably
deeper into this recliner,
looking no doubt like
a mere wisp of my
former[?] self, snoring
through lips that have
learned to remain frozen
in a pitiful snarl until
somebody finds me,
tickles the back of my
neck until the snarl
relaxes into something
like me[?]. What will be
is not what was, nor is it
whatever will be. What a
fix! I’m glad you’re still
here, even if I’m out like
the bright round moon
on a foggy night in San
Francisco. May tomorrow 
glow with a similar
radiance to the sheen
of this somewhat
familiar dream.

are we at Hardee's?

Thursday, August 06, 2015


Complicated and Complex

Where my handwriting gets
old (e.g., I can’t tell whether
this says “the candy is in”
or “I’m dying”), for me,
isn’t just a means through
which to pass the night
or whatever.

To pass through it, not
over it is key, I think.

If I were filming such
an atrocious movie,
I would begin here.
Not again.

From now on I
will do two
things at once.

I’m drinking
orange juice,
and the conf-
erence call
has just

What an
I think,
my way
into the

What an excellent afternoon, I think.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015


We Have Arrived

As we’ve done
many times
before, we
spilled spagh-
etti sauce on
the page just
previous to 
this one.

good luck and all that stuff

Monday, August 03, 2015


You’re Driving and I’m Not Pissy

We should arrive by dusk.
Arriving was never your
strong point, though.

Continue on Panoramic
Highway for 3 miles
(That’s with pop songs, FYI!).

Ah, the Ambien. Do you not
like it when I sing along
with your favorite song?

“Welcome to America!”
you say to me. As if I don’t 
already know exactly where I am.

concrete love

Sunday, August 02, 2015


Blondie Constantly

It’s ridiculous to carry a lifelong
disregard (or, most especially,
disdain) when McDondald’s
is constantly evolving. Today
is no tomorrow. I think this
is a good thing to keep in mind.

All day long “Whatever Lola Wants”
is the song that is sucking up my
head. Let’s have the breeze
take over our lives as we
head for a hike on Mount
Tamalpais. Numbers are
structure, are our very
science, and I am nothing
if not a lover of architects.
They concoct our homes
and supply our shopping
structures: the places
where we go to get 
fabric softener.

Same Day Special Service

Saturday, August 01, 2015



The simplicity
of the mind
(mine, at
least), has
me stupid
with awe
