Friday, April 05, 2019


The Funny Part About Vengeance

If your piece of lover
put on my piece of
lover long enough to
move from the flirty
stage to the I’m-so-
stage (each, of 
course “dancing”
onstage at this year’s
hottest circuit party – 
remember those? – 
which takes place
when these days,
by the way?) (and yes
I'm just a bit curious!) – 
long enough to grab
a piece of our next
lover (who’s one
and the same, but
of course!)  and
all three (that is
the grand sum of
all we’re talking
about here, am
I not somewhat 
on target?) would,
you know, seeing
that bore of a ham-
bone in action,
would create with-
in themselves (the
sum of the three
of them) at least
a slight enough 
confusion that’d
perhaps dangle
in time just long
enough for the
first pair (re-
member when
we were a quar-
tet?) to get tang-
led up a bit in 
someone’s stage
costume (some-
thing not a boa,
please, but boa-
esque, at least), 
lose his and his 
balances so that 
him and himd
have to reach out
in simultaneity, in
which case they
accidentally nab
a hand-sized chunk
(intact, but very 
clearly performed
as a duet) of Sherry.
Ah, remember why
we call him that?
It’s because he 
does so love 
to be shared, 
of course; but 
also because he 
never fails to 
overtipple on 
the actual
drink; no less
than, what,
once a month
wouldn’t you least?
(I would never
go so far as to
call it that, I
surely needn’t
add.  As we both 
recognize with 
strict clarity
that it’s just a 
wee drinkie, if
at all.  Unless
it passes through
those permanently
pursed lips; what
a dreadful show!).  
Anyhow, directly after 
Sherry has broken
free into So&So
and So&So’s 
palms, one of 
the S’s—or bet-
ter yet all three—
will proceed to ev-
er so accident-
ally imbibe a 
very large por-
tion of the rib-
bon or non-boa.
I say they each
ingest something
akin to the size of, 
say, Lucifer writhing
through an apple
tree.  Oh, shh!!
Quiet for just a 
moment. Listen.
You can hear all
three of them
pacing the hall-
way just outside
the door, as if
each has some-
thing very imp-
ortant to say.
And soon. Oh,
but do keep
the firmest 
of grips on 
this plan-to-
(or vice versa).
It’ll be the 
biggest spec-
tacle in town
for months.
At least until
tomato season,
wouldnt you say?
Oh, I do make
myself giggle
quite uncon-
trollably. Now 
don’t look at
me askew like
you don’t know
very well that 
mean, at the
very least, never
quite so…purpose-
fully.  The fun-
ny part about 
a planet I
used to never
find myself stand-
ing upon, much less
understand.  I mean
even conceptually.
Those were the days, 
I’ll warrant you.  But
what?  Oh.  The funny
part about vengeance 
is always who gets to 
barf on whom.  And
I’m here to tell you,
it is really quite addict-
ive, don’t you think?