Saturday, April 06, 2019


Clonk & Dagger

Aren’t there some folks
you just want to clonk
off?  Like leisure tops.
Or overgrown bananas
(by which I mean the
walking and talking 
kind; even though I
adore words that in
combination—or even
alone all by themselves—
make no sense at all).  As
if nonsense could even be-
gin to not make sense.  It’s
great fun to define things;
and to invoke context.  Esp-
ecially when there seems to
be none whatsoever. Whether 
or not were talking physical
objects, living beings or act-
ual events.  At best it’s 
damned tricky to get
even close to defining in
any appropriate manner.  
Out here in the wild, it’s 
really just moment by mo-
ment.  For each and all
of us.  Of proselytizing.
Of overbearingly emblaz-
oning what we call wisdom
onto unlistening juveniles.
And smarts?  Smarts doesn’t
necessarily help, either.  We
can be ditzy or else just plain 
(too) enmeshed (in the now?) 
to contextualize.  All I’m say-
ing is that to really context-
ualize properly is literally im-
possible.  Most especially in 
the historical sense (as in
defining — so as to rank,
perhaps — where this 
moment stands relative to the 
future, much less the now).  
Like words—like language it-
self, even—context is never 
law.  It’s always simply hy-
pothesis, if that.  And as I 
was saying just a few days ago, 
wouldn’t that be a terrific 
invention to patent and from
which to profit?  Wait a sec.  
Maybe it was actually Greg
who said that.  I forget.  But I 
by all means agreed.  One hun-
dred percent.  Ahem, well….   
Oh!  Apologies for losing track of 
where and what I was there for 
moment (and boy did I ever!).  
It’s just that I was in the mid-
dle of practicing all of these 
pretend sounds for my dreams 
tonight.  Omigod they work
like you would not believe!
And don't be ridiculous, please, 
yes, drop by anytime you’d like, 
Just like usual. How about 
for tomorrow’s circus?  Now
that should really be fun.
I tell ya, those animals!