Wednesday, April 03, 2019


Break out the Soul-Searching —
Holidays Are Thought-Fests

Idn’t it funny
How we all
Seem to climb
Our way, each,
Out of our mor-

Onic trances.
What a ludic-
Rous species
Indeed. If for
No other rea-

Son than to
Relieve our-
Selves just in
Time for our
Deaths. There

Are studies
On this, pro-
Bobably so

Failed to
It occurs
To me

Should be
The perfect
Name for this
Climbing out of.
The angel at the

Top of the Xmas
Tree. (Oh and
I love the X
of Xmas. It
Reminds me

Of Jesus and
His cross and
Me and mine.
Sure, there are
Idiots out there

Who think the
X completely
Eradicates the
Holiday alto-
Gether. I

Mean sheesh!
What it truly
Gives us all —
Well, me &
Jesus anyway —

Is something
To mull over.
And I ask you,
Frankly, when’s
A regular occas-

Ion to party NOT
Something to
Really think
Hard on. It’s

Oh, and here’s
Another line.
Idn't it all
Just another

Bring-together time
To wax sardonic
And such. Over
Every miserable
Line and such.

(I don't suppose
Miserable is a
Mandatory, but
Don’t fail to
ponder that

People do tend
To drink. A lot.
When’s the
Next one,
You guys?

Let’s just
Get it start-
Ed early for
Pete’s sake.
Oh.... And

About that
Pete fella....