Monday, October 12, 2020


Summer Squashes Sonnet

More decaying bodies will testify to the ex
travagant choices made by former Village
People. Please note that it is sensible to have
a little bit of Texas panache when hanging out

to dry. As the water recedes, more squirrels
pummel their governments. See ’em squash or
see it squashes. Their ponytails flung all about.
This callous and stumblebum method overreaches

even the golden arches as we bake like extras on
a Will Smith movie set. Note well that eBay was
intended as a proper approach to guvmint. Bid-
ness never knew its throat would evoke a 60s Hal

iburton. Oops, that’s surely a low blow. But this
administration’s response was pervy enough, non?