Thursday, March 18, 2021


Chapter 17: I was just wondering if
                    you’ve had the opportunity
                    to look over my proposal.

I have so much news for you,
but I just don’t know where to
begin.  (It’s never a good sign
when my goal is to do some-
thing (sometimes it’s just to do
anything– to accomplish 
and yet my approach is that 
of contrition or confession, yet
as far as I can recollect, there
is not anything in particular
that I have done wrong. (How
ridiculous to feel guilt for
simply coming to you
with what I believe is a
worthwhile proposition,
to say the least!).  A
mere suggestion.  An
idea that I think, in fact,
will provide us both with
many benefits.  For example,
if executed with determination
and with an equal fervor, so to
speak, it would potentially re-
lieve a lot of unnecessary
tension, here in the, 
the air about us, in 
the general atmosphere.
Also, also, it would surely
provide us with a little bit 
of that something that we 
both ought to be able to 
use, with something, 
you know, that is use-
ful.  And furthermore, 
I mean at the very least,
it would educational, would
it not?  I mean, of course,
these are things to keep in 
mind as you go about your,
well, as you, if you find the
time to sort of flip through it,
to examine the contents and
the nature of the, well, the, uh,
the iterated, idea.  And lastly,
by gosh, it’d be an adventure.
I mean, wouldn’t it, though?
Well, what I meant to say is,
just you wait.  (For the life
of me, if I only knew why
I was even standing here!) 
And, just to hear that word,
adventure, and, well I don’t
know about you, but even
to say the word and, with-
out fail, there’s a, a bubble,
yes, a bubble that opens 
down in my gut, somewhere
just above my belly button, 
or so it feels; it expands
to about the size of
a fist and just rises,
clean through my lungs,
my stomach and my 
heart – it really is an
altogether pleasant
sensation, I have to
say  and that 
bubble just rises,
all the way up to 
my neck, where, 
kind of like an 
Alka-Seltzer when 
it hits water in the
glass, it divides into
a million tiny bubbles,
some of which make
their way all the
way up to just
the bump on the
top of my head.
I can literally 
feel the fizz
right here
(I am, I 
swear, am
I knocking
the top of my
head with my
fist?).  So,
as I was
as I was
saying, I have
a lot to tell you.
I always do.  And
so, there’s no time
to dilly-dally.  There
just never seems to
be enough time for
anything, much less
to squander, to just
pilfer it away, in utter
isolation, you know?.  
I do, I mean, I do hope
that you’ll take it all into 
consideration, that you 
will have the time to, in
fact, that we can perhaps
work out a time to further
this discussion, to get into 
the details, the nitty-gritty,
if you will, of, well, that 
you’ll find the time, that 
you’ll take into consideration,
maybe accept my proclamation,
uh, my proposition, that we’ll
be able to put a proper amount
of time and energy into all of the
various aspects of it, and that you’ll
call me as soon as you get up in the
morning and have a moment to go
over the, to discuss the, to really
put our money where our mouth
is. Where our mouths are. I
very much look forward
to it.  To our, to us 
giving this the old,
well, if you could.
Call me tomorrow.
First thing.  Looking
forward to it. Bon soir.