Sunday, April 11, 2021


from Help Wanted: 88 Problems
        In Search Of A Pot To Stew In

It’s too early to be here before you all
runningaroundandwriting over my
latest dilemma. But this is what I
do. So. How shall I put this? Well,
this bit of nothing, the business of
which is not only completely out of
the blue (at least for you) and, I
might add, is embarrassing (and
not just in the slightest) - and in
sharing, reveals me pretty much
at over the range of okay and
right well into uncouth. I ought
not, perhaps (as my dad used to
say), be allowed to roam free
uncouth, to be allowed to roam
amongst (into and out of, neither
betwixt nor between) proper
social circles of any brow, high
or low. However, with no real
precedent but that of whimsy,
and with what turns out to be an
ironic and ridiculously overarching
confidence, I’ll go ahead and now
say to you what’s on my mind,
what’s causing me such cold
sweats and consternation.
Simply put, in a manner of
speaking, “What isn’t hot
certainly isn’t getting any
hotter!” This, at least, is
how my dearest pa’d
always put it. Only there
would beso many times,
dozens upon dozens, when
those words he’d utter,
I’d be too much a dullard
to ever comprehend (and
I am certain he was never
as vague as I am now). I
stand as evidence here
on a street corner in
my neighborhood
on a rainy evening
(I might as well add
without an umbrella)
with an unpleasant
case of “Eureka!”
And as the accum-
ulated drizzle pours
like tiny rivulets
born by my very
own teardrops,
that I perform
for you, , ,well
, , , in what I
should have
earlier is an
exercise, that is,
a means by which
a limitation is (or
limitations are)
established so as
to pinpoint, or
to highlight, or
to express some-
thing (sometimes
just about anything)
of singularity for
– and this is the
ultimate hope –
a purpose (e.g.,
to specify a flaw
in character; [so
as to] rectify)...

Shall we continue?
Or, better yet, I
believe we would
better be served
if I just shut up un-
til after I’ve tough
ened my resolve at 
least a little bit, un
til I can properly
square my opt-
imism, and only
then should I
get back to you,
let us say, to
morrow? – with
a solution in
search of a
rather than –
or better yet,
with a map, 
that leads, 
like that 
yellow brick 
road of yore
, , ,to , , , 
well, , , ,

Uh, from my home
to yours, this is me,
saying as I sign off
for yet another
evening, stay
tuned for tomorrow,
when I shall truly lay
bare that which is, um,
my house. Or, well, but
first, I must welcome my
pal, the exterminator, for
there sure needs to be a
whole lot of shoo fly, uh
(I hafta get the bugs out,
if you know what I mean,
urg!) . . . . . . . . . .
