Thursday, April 01, 2021


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the claim was a matter of
fact was a matter of inference
about a fact about a facial tic

or perhaps it was a fiction
about a farcical fling the decor
hung from the ceiling was flung

from the rafters - it was only
the principal (who just happened
to also be super indented) had

meant (no pun intended, he’d
come to admit), no singular
offense he meant whole-

hearted and circumspect, to
outdo the big to do with all of
that hullaballoo. his unified

purpose was inadvertently
inverted and so what could
not be avoided, to jettison any

over-performers by chopping
in two their circumference
tossing one half to the

flotsam while stealthily
tossing the rest of what’s
left of ’em into the jetsam.

however, would that this
vertical world held any such
logic - rather - he’d revel in

this spectaculish last act. how’s
that for a finish that sums up
all of us? what begins with a

3rd-rate expletive arrives with a
bang, yet nary a word of explanation
- just the explosion that renders it

riven at the very beginning of
the expedition (hence, the whole
thing being cleverly called off).

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