(out of place be
cause it’s one
for the ages.)
you’re too sweet to pull that off right this moment.
but give it a bit of time, and not only will you give
me a run for my money, but you'll be king, queen
and dictator of us all.
here’s a few
notes that
are quotes
from yours
which are not
at the moment,
and perhaps
never will be
because the
whole of it is
grounded in
the now,
or in time
which is to
also say that
they’re steep
ed in univer
scale back on
the honesty,
honey. step
away from
that notion
i’m always
beating like
dead meat,
the one in
which i ar
gue the c
ase that i
do nothing
if not work
at being.
who i
—all around,
no matter w
here or under
whatever circ
while that is
100% truth,
it is just as
equally also
butter ullshit.
+, if it were
not true, an
d if we we
re even ca
pable of ca
lling the
dogs dogs,
and being infi
nitely (& mort
ally), straight
forwardly truth
it’d either be a
boring world or
everyone would
have murdered
everyone else
by now.
i mean (previous
ly, that same era),
as strongly as i a
void self-censors
hip or whatever—
meaning general
ly, with the exce
ption of being a
total dick about
it—couldn’t it be
said that in every
area of (my) life,
almost everything
we do and say and
write or whatever is
inherently so obvi
ously layered in a
complex set of curt
ains and codes?
and all of that pos
turing, that mask
ing, that fibbing
and such,
couldn’t it just be
called levity—at
least just as eas
ily as it might co
rrectly and right
fully be called ly
ing or faking it or