Monday, September 27, 2021


hot night with google

     I think it’ll be fine.

             —John Ashbery

it’s as unsexy
as it could po
ssibly get. an
d this is not th
e first time, and
i presume won’t
be the last. una
uthorized charg
es on an account,
one i set up for t
he magazine, whi
ch i haven’t even
used, $140, and,
the big news, the
BIG NEWS, i go
t a job, i start to
morrow, it seem
s like a wonderf
new job, i can
not wait, my 20
th interview or
21st in over 2
months, after
a pandemic,
after isolat
ion at home
after isolation
isolation i
so lation 4
so long not
one person
not one per
son not one
person in th
is room bes
ides me and
the roach in
spectors for
nearly two s
olid years so
when i say h
ot night with
google over
payments that
were made we
ekly on an acc
ount i never e
ven open and
count your st
ars i am not g
iving you at le
ast not now al
l the many rea
sons why this
account hasn’
t even been o
pened but tw
ice while on the
phone all night
with google on
a hot hot night
two of the most
unsexy nights i
can recall ever
having (and th
ere have been
more than i
can count on
my fingers a
nd toes that i
remember vi
vidly perhaps
three times o
ver so that’s
what i’m te
lling you
now good
night hello
new job wh
at can i say
to google t
hat might b
e relayed h
ere absolu
tely nothing