Sunday, September 26, 2021


this could be the day

     salt shakers, am i right?

            —Meggie Ramm

but most likely not,
am i right? wow,
what a day! a day

that let’s you know
who you are, that
you’re here, that

you’re ,,, loved?
did it, now?
sure it did.

a day filled
with cell-
phones filled

with people.
a day filled
with photo

graphs of
people to
whom you

’ve some re
lation. but
being black

and white,
they are mo
stly relations

of the progen
itor type. peo
ple for whom

you (i) are (am)
progeny, only
most’d never

know it, mean
ing never knew
it, not a chance.

isn’t this a
good time
to appreciate

the 21st cen
tury? i won’t
say i never lo

ok back, but i
will say i never
surrender my

self to whatever
it is that’s back
there to look at,

because that’d
be unpretty. t
he world is re

plete with ob
stacles, i repeat,
the world’s got a

lot of stumbling
blocks. but so long
as you don’t break

your legs too badly
there will always be
plenty more stuff

to stumble over
and (better yet,
am i right?) upon.

this could be the day