right now i have this thing,
you see, of telling you a little
something of me, a
craving, you might rightfully
call it, of a little bit of nothing
or a terrible lot of everything.
such as, for example, my lap
top, which feels, about as if
it’s on its last legs. and while
you might then say, “laptops
don’t have legs,” i’d then
if you kindly don't
mind, let me make
you a drink, that's
if you would like.
yes, please join me.
somewhere there’s
a bottle of wine
we can sip, i in
sist and, well,
you might then say, “laptops
don’t have legs,” i’d then
offer a “how right you are!”
and tell you a bit about
and tell you a bit about
my very own, the ones
upon which i am when
i am walking, which most
ly, in point of fact, do that
walking literally for me,
how today they’re really very
sore from walking here and
there and more, and if you’d
chime in with “how come?”
there’s more, so much more
that i would then tell,
like “i’ll tell you how come,”
and go on about work, my
job, the means with which
i assume i’ll get paid,
which i started only
yesterday, which as
i recall, was a gleaming
tuesday. “right you are,”
and “congrats!” you’d say,
which’d almost whelm me as
it were, because only just atop
this very week did i have at
this place my first interview,
that is, with this particular
lovely crew, as in reality
i’d had such interviews
(except never had these
been in person at all,
they’d often been on
the cellphone as a call,
or mostly, rather, a face-
to-face via video, for
safety’s sake, you see,
thanks to the pandemical
world in which now we
exist) this past couple of
months that, i counted,
amounted to twenty
and two, so here i
am spending some
time here with you,
dwelling quite heavily
on interview number
twenty-three, that is
the 23rd one i have
had in roundabout
this past 2.5 months.
and why was i saying
this? now i remember.
it’s all because you are
standing right here
next to me and
out of nowhere i
couldn’t but hanker
to talk about me,
just to tell you a little
of what’s going on
now that it’s been so
long that i’ve spent
by myself in my
room just waiting
and working toward
this very moment
to happen. thank
you for being here,
you’re such a dear.
i’m so happy you
made it, as if that
weren’t clear. and
now i work regularly,
like a person, how
awesome it is to
be able to tell you
that not very small
bit about who i am
right now; everything
seems a bit strange
it turns out, most
especially, i’m sure
thanks to various
things going on
in the world that
have kept me (i
must with some sad
ness relay) from
not only seeing
you like this,
what had
most of forever
seemed perfectly
normal, but also
because this
fair news i
just told you
is the most news
i've uttered to
anyone’s face
in what seems
far too long.
it’s in fact
made me most
undeniably dizzy.
so don’t go just yet
i am walking, which most
ly, in point of fact, do that
walking literally for me,
how today they’re really very
sore from walking here and
there and more, and if you’d
chime in with “how come?”
there’s more, so much more
that i would then tell,
like “i’ll tell you how come,”
and go on about work, my
job, the means with which
i assume i’ll get paid,
which i started only
yesterday, which as
i recall, was a gleaming
tuesday. “right you are,”
and “congrats!” you’d say,
which’d almost whelm me as
it were, because only just atop
this very week did i have at
this place my first interview,
that is, with this particular
lovely crew, as in reality
i’d had such interviews
(except never had these
been in person at all,
they’d often been on
the cellphone as a call,
or mostly, rather, a face-
to-face via video, for
safety’s sake, you see,
thanks to the pandemical
world in which now we
exist) this past couple of
months that, i counted,
amounted to twenty
and two, so here i
am spending some
time here with you,
dwelling quite heavily
on interview number
twenty-three, that is
the 23rd one i have
had in roundabout
this past 2.5 months.
and why was i saying
this? now i remember.
it’s all because you are
standing right here
next to me and
out of nowhere i
couldn’t but hanker
to talk about me,
just to tell you a little
of what’s going on
now that it’s been so
long that i’ve spent
by myself in my
room just waiting
and working toward
this very moment
to happen. thank
you for being here,
you’re such a dear.
i’m so happy you
made it, as if that
weren’t clear. and
now i work regularly,
like a person, how
awesome it is to
be able to tell you
that not very small
bit about who i am
right now; everything
seems a bit strange
it turns out, most
especially, i’m sure
thanks to various
things going on
in the world that
have kept me (i
must with some sad
ness relay) from
not only seeing
you like this,
what had
most of forever
seemed perfectly
normal, but also
because this
fair news i
just told you
is the most news
i've uttered to
anyone’s face
in what seems
far too long.
it’s in fact
made me most
undeniably dizzy.
so don’t go just yet
if you kindly don't
mind, let me make
you a drink, that's
if you would like.
yes, please join me.
somewhere there’s
a bottle of wine
we can sip, i in
sist and, well,
as we spend all the
evening and some
of the night talking
evening and some
of the night talking
up our good selves,
just you and me, it’ll
be the most wonderfully
just you and me, it’ll
be the most wonderfully
perfect thing to help
smooth all the mess of
the past several months.
just to talk about us.
and in so doingwe’ll be
just to talk about us.
and in so doingwe’ll be