i couldn’t agree more
if so, what am i
agreeing with,
or even worse,
to, more or less?
this can’t be the
way we go about
agreeing. but isn’t
it? let’s try to be
civilized about this
and rejigger the pro
cedure, come up w/
a better way to reach
a foregone concussion.
boy, come to think of
it, wouldn’t it be swell
to come up with a way
if so, what am i
agreeing with,
or even worse,
to, more or less?
this can’t be the
way we go about
agreeing. but isn’t
it? let’s try to be
civilized about this
and rejigger the pro
cedure, come up w/
a better way to reach
a foregone concussion.
boy, come to think of
it, wouldn’t it be swell
to come up with a way
to conclude in a more
diplomatic, more eff
icient, less anxiety-rid
dled manner? who writes
these rules? WE DO!
perhaps before getting
so gung-ho about it, we
might better think this
through. isn’t that the
process we’re using at
the moment, what got
us here in the first place,
that the handbook here
makes not a lick of real
world sense, so if we put
our heads together, maybe
do a little brainstorming,
we might improve the
process. we could app
ly this method as a
hopeful means of
improving lots of
things: lovemaking,
heat strokes, coming
up with the most
efficient, pleasant-
to-the-senses wind
ow dressings with
which to dress all
of the windows in
our shared space
(shared spaces in
general, but do we
really want to ex
haust ourselves
with democracy
in action at, say,
the workplace,
places were our
community come
together, either to wor
ship, to convalesce, to
picnic—fortunately the
latter do not normally
require spaces with
windows, but let’s
not forget “in the
event of inclement
weather,” as it hap
pens around here
with a regularity
that, at times,
seems much
more often th
an not.) also, i
might need some
time to reconsi
der my original
vote, given that,
now that i think
about it, it’s a com
plex, more involved
issue, with more var
iables to consider
that might go odd
ly sideways or ex
plode unexpected
ly when it comes
to things of this
nature, so i think
i’ll need a few
days, perhaps
a week or two,
oh and i’ll be
going out of
town on the
20th. can i
get back to
you on the
first of the
month? no,
i meant the
month. that
should give
me an adeq
uate duration
of time during
which to go a
bout all the re
search that i im
agine would be
required in order
to come up with
a more adequate
response. what’s
that, again? you
need an answer
by this wednes
day? well how
in the heck are
we going to go
about the busi
ness of correct
ing such an in
efficient and
ridiculous pro
cedure? we’ll
never get the
results that
would best fit
the complexity
of the problem
at hand if we’re
to put in a well
deliberated an
swer by wed
nesday! this
is the problem
with all of our
problems, don’t
you think, john?
we’re overrun
with rules and
libraries full of
books full of
that are anti
quated, and
that simply
do not work.
how might
this problem
ever be solved,
i ask of you?
what’s that?
yep, yep, ta
king the fam
on a fishing
trip for the
long weekend.
it’s going to be
a nightmare, i
can promise you
that already. and
what about you and
sue? big holiday
plans? don’t even
tell me, you’re head
ing out east to the cas
inos. i tell you, john,
is going to be the
death of you two.
and how about
you try to stay
in the right lane
for the duration.
no more road
rage, okay?
that last time?
man, what a
story. i worry
about you two
and your short
tempers. the
rules of the
road, john!
surely you’re
well aware th
at the rules ex
ist for a reason!