Monday, October 18, 2021


zombie world

you know, i
don’t mind all of the
zombies here in

in fact, i’ve kind of
gotten used to them.
given all the toxins
let loose by the apoc

alypse, however, it’s 
a thousand wonders
i’m still here.  i
mean, i’m good

at planning ahead,
being prepared;
i know most
all of the

tricks of the trade—
of survival, that is.
how to push death
to the side when

it manages to
stand up
and hobble
its way toward me,

putting itself
between me
and wherever
i happen to be

going. yeah,
but the tough
part—the tough
part for a man

born of the world
what’s been gone now
for about as long
a duration as my

contemplation can
muster the oomph
to even imagine

but what i do
i say but what i
do most clearly

remember. . . .
what i’m telling
you (oh, would
that you were

even here to
with me),
what i meant

to say was. . . .
so i have the art
of shoving death
to the curb down.

and of moving 
ever along to 
wherever it is that i
happen to be going.

that i can do,
yessiree. but
when it gets right
up in your face—

when it gets so
close that you can,
that i can smell its lack—
its lack of life? why it’s

all i can do to stop
myself from, well,
from doing the same
idiot thing that i’m

doing to you now,
as if you were here
in front of me and
could hear any

of this useless litany
of words i spill at
you. it’s hard, i
tell you. it’s

getting damn near
impossible. not to
say hello. not to
attempt to

engage. but
i know as well
as you do what’d
happen the first

time i don’t
somehow man
age to quell
that impulse.

it’ll finally
have gotten
me, that’s
what. so

tighten your
lip, mister,
for here comes
one now.

just one zombie in zombietown