Sunday, December 12, 2021


A guy walks around the Alps asking
everyone to “Please excuse the deluge.”

(a flashback, etc.)

“He’s here on his skis and seems so at ease,
and I’m just in from Bruges in search of a luge.”

“With a barrel of brandy around your neck?” “Yes, sir!
Yes, sir! And wouldn’t you know, it’s one heckuva neck!”

Like I didn’t notice. Turns out that I, too, have been
to Bruges, where there happens to be an awful lot of

chocolate. And I more than suspect that if one
but just looked that they’d find it aplenty with us;

yes, I more than suspect, and in fact I’d bet gold,
were our luggage pried open, between you and me

there’d at least be a solid pound of it if not even
two, that
s between us two guys in the Alps.

Regardless of what we have heard and regardless
of what might be said, there is one thing for certain

and that, my good friend, is that some of the things we
encounter, and some of the things that we do, are logical,

sensible and/or productive and so at least notably good. As for
the rest of it all, my dear sir, you should kick the lot out in the end.

The Alps