Thursday, December 23, 2021


My Intention

Perhaps I lost
it, what will all
of the shuffling
and lapses of
time. A remedy

might be - to not be
lazy; commitment
to things to which
one is committed.
And this is an exercise

for anyone in search of
a remedy?  Remedies
don’t have to be colossal,
but I’m not one to just
let them accumulate

knowing they’re out there,
many of this so damned
simple; remediable.
The children standing
in line at the popup

medical park don’t
look very well. And
of course they don’t.
They come here to
feel better (or are

dragged by their
folks for the same)
and, eventually,
pretty much all
of them do. Kids

are resilient. Am
I? You once said
that my resiliency
boggled your mind,
or somesuch. I’m

not saying that we are
nil, that our lives are
doomed. Far from it.
All I’m saying is, these
check-ins are every nice.

Once in a while, they
might even stave off a
disaster, and might just
have us getting each
other in ways that were

heretofore unimaginable.
So let
s do our little
assignment (am I
convincing you, or
is it the other way

around?). Let
s talk
about our 5 favorite
things about each
other, and our 5
least favorite.

We can experience
a little bit of hurt,
a bit of ire and
a bit of shock
just to get at the

very heart of us
not to mention
a potential 
truckload full 
of flattery

all of this for nothing
but a perfect us, an
us with no issues
An infinitely happy us.

Studly McButt