Friday, February 11, 2022


When you close your eyes, what do you always daydream about?
(from 300 More Writing Prompts)

sex (which i learned from brian when i was nine or ten: “all day i
dream about sex,” remember?). lying down upon the earth in the
middle of an endless field of tall grass interspersed with the most
vivid blooms. the elimination of the present set of circumstances,
which is most often swiftly replaced by a deep slumber. floating.
stretching time (extending the present set of circumstances). con
centrating on moving the current moment into one in which i have
less debt. lines of poetry (which can be pretty annoying in most
cases). being completely enveloped by darkness. watching my
floaters dance in the darkness. disappearing the floaters that i
can’t stop seeing when my eyes are open. being in the middle of
a large and crowded dance floor, bumping and swaying to what
ever the dj is playing (which is amazing!). walking through a
dense forest (but not so lush that there aren’t any clear trails
to tread and not so dark that i could not see a critter before me,
should one or more appear; in other words, it is not to be a
“scary” forest). being in the same room with the man of my
dreams; seeing all of his contours. willing him present. watch
ing in wonder as clouds pass over me, all varieties of them
except for stormy ones (rainclouds are fine; clouds that
foretell a tornado are not). the precise content of a very
important composition of correspondence, often something
i have been putting off for far too long, or coming up with
a witty variety of retorts i could have uttered in passing at
anyone who recently made a smartass remark directed at
me, or thinking of all the better things i could have said in
response to a smartass remark, or what i should have said
to a person i recently and randomly almost ran into and
have wanted to speak with forever but pretended instead
that i did not even notice their presence or, suddenly
realizing a glaring error that i have made, either written
or spoken (neither of these are great because each causes
a certain amount of consternation and effort; especially
the last option, which most often abruptly ends the “day
dream” as i shoot straight up with great speed and fret
over what on earth i am going to do to correct this horrid
mistake that i have only just now realized that i have made,
or else i whip myself up into a panic over whether or not i
should – or will – do anything about it at all).