Thursday, March 24, 2022



i’ve got a secret,
in fact, i’ve got
five, or therea
bouts, but i’m

not even going
to give you a
hint. so why
would i even

mention this?
juvenile, you’d
say. but, oh,
yeah. is it be

cause they are
to be revealed
in the following
order, come

what may? the
first one on mon
day; the second
one on ... wait,

how many secrets
did i have to begin
with? there’s the
blob, there’s the

toy’s grin, there’s
the barrage of har
bingers, but that’s
only, well, count

them yourself.
can’t give any
thing away just
yet, can i? oh,

but i could. yet
if i stand at three
and i mentioned
five, then what,

pray tell, are
the other two?
why, the binge 
ants and the 

microneck pit 
with the double
hut, that's what.
an egret stance

in advance of
the cub ordination
for club morgue
relations, for hub

snort mutations,
ah, these dirty
hints are so
much better 

than the sec
rets that’ll soon
be forgotten
ever were.

i've got a secret