Wednesday, March 23, 2022


False Hope

don’t tell me about
the only obstacle
keeping me from
getting there.

there’s always at
least one obstacle.
but i definitely like
your enthusiasm.

did you have a clue
that i’m enthusiastic,
too? well, don’t both
er mentioning it now.

anyone ever tell you
that you can be a bit
overly-dramatic? no?
that’s a bit surprising.

where were we? oh,
obstacles. am i one
of yours? be honest
now. i’ll even give

you a hint. do i look
like an obstacle to
you? nevermind.
you’re the one who

believed me to be
a bit hyperbolic, a
bit awkward, and
also a little bit,

what’s the word
you used? spastic,
yeah, that’s it. well,
isn’t that better than

plastic, say? maybe
you wouldn’t know
the difference, you
being of, as it were,

i’m not going to say
privilege. so just
forget it. in fact,
how do we erase

everything? do
you have a dec
ent eraser? air
freshener? col

ogne? perfume?
i’ll take anything.
i don’t like the
fumes we’ve been

giving off. fine. i
don’t like the fumes
that i’ve been giving
off. are you always

like this? what’d
you just say? that
makes two of us?
what? oh, come

on. i’m the nicest,
sweetest, most
effective human
you’re likely to

meet. and as for
you? well, as for
you? you put me
to shame, that’s

what you do.
put. me. to.
shame. there,
i’ve said it. so,

once more from
the top again:
please, oh, please
might you lend me

a hand? i’d be ever
so grateful, i hope
you understand.
and i’d make it

worth your while, if
“worthwhile” to you
isn’t that dissimilar
to “worthwhile” to me.

hug shove punch in the gut