Monday, May 30, 2022


no. 21 – A Thank You Note
              for Discipline

I remember this three day weekend
in which I had planned to get so many
things accomplished. I remember it

quite well, in fact, and I’ve a lousy
memory. There was the Friday eve
ning, after getting home from work.

Oh, the things I was going to do on
that Friday night! It had been quite
a strenuous and depressing week at

the office and I was ready for a reju
venating weekend. I got home that
evening, straight from work, played

a game on my phone, or maybe two,
and this I do in the comfort of my bed
in my little coffin-sized apartment, so

what happens next? I fall asleep, of
course. Thus goes Friday night. Sat
urday comes next, right? I got up

early, played a few more games on
my phone, and sort of watched the
light of the day in its various tones

and hues make its way through the
curtains I now have over the one
window that I have in my entire

home. I continued to lie in my
bed as I caught up on the news
of the week. And, as you may

have guessed by now, this I did
from dawn until dusk, which came
so quickly it seemed, but when it

did, I treated it as I had the dealt
with the darkness on almost
each night of the previous

week, which was to quickly
and steadily fall into a deep
sleep. And that was the end

of Saturday. On Sunday, I
went grocery shopping, not
minding the people who were

seemingly out for a wonderful
late spring afternoon on a very
beautiful day on the San Fran

cisco Bay. I got home with my
groceries, and that is about all
I remember of Sunday. Shortly

thereafter, I was back into one
of my after-dusk until dawn
slumbers. And so we now

come to Monday, the actual
holiday. What did I accomp
lish on Monday, you might

ask, or, having already surely
figured it out by now, you need
not say a further word. For here

it is nearly midnight, the end of
the third day of what we expect
antly call a three-day weekend,

and besides these few words
that I type to you here on
this laptop, with the fan

buzzing loudly and blowing the
tiny apartment’s air over and over
again onto my face, I’ve done nothing

of any substance from the top of the
day to what is now the butt end
of it. But I suppose all of this

nothing that I’ve done is exactly
what many of us do, and a good
majority of us surely prefer to do,

on a holiday weekend such as the
one that I find myself ruminating
about a bit morosely tonight.

doing my little do nothing dance