Tuesday, May 31, 2022


no. 26 – A Thank You Note
              for Love & Humanity

it sounds cliché, it’s
utterly degrading and
it is horribly depressing,
but at some point around
seven years ago now, I
lost faith in humanity.
the journey to this low-
down predicament began
at a slow build, but by 
the time I truly got there,
I was dramatically and 
quite treacherously
snowballing toward
the general direction
of said faithlessness.
and thusly I wandered,
a sullen, lost soul, for 
five years or so. until,
with the suddenness
of a bolt of lightning
before you even realize
a storm is about to arrive,
my faith was swiftly and
wholly restored. it was the
most incredible stroke of
luck that I have yet to
encounter.  and what
happened next, you
might ask?  well, that
is easy: I simply said
hello back at you.

love said hello, I said hi back, faith was restored.