Monday, May 16, 2022


no. 5 – A Thank You Note
            to the Glass Half Full

Let’s not, however, get side-
tracked by negativity. The
impulse to give thanks does
not come from such a del
eterious source. One thing
that might be said to bring
it all about is having about
oneself a general optimism,
happy begetting happy, etc.,
so from wherever this part
icular characteristic (and it is
within me) might have derived
(and I have my own ideas, in
fact, I’m pretty certain that it
isn’t mere genetics, but in my
case, I do so much believe, a
certain rebellion or repulsion
of the opposite, being as sur
rounded as I was by it from
the tender ages and at least
until I left for college), I feel
quite lucky to have picked it
up, this veritable spring that
from so deep within must
keep me with at least a
toe or two yet in my
youth and what
comes from it
shines a light
upon the day
or, say, the
night, my
path ahead
always a bit
less indeter
minate, yet
dimmer still
than it once
was, let’s say,
but still less
clouded and
less bleak
than most
times that,
from or up
on me, have
shone more 

tokyo and me