Saturday, June 25, 2022


time bomb time

a better word would be
alarm clock but right now
let’s say bomb. or as dad
would’ve said ‘do i need to
light a fire under your ass?’
what do you do when you
find yourself not becoming
motivated toward that most
important of things toward
which you really feel you
should be motivated? i
used to have these things
i would do when i felt down
that would, almost no matter
what, pick me up. go for a
jaunt through a neighborhood
i hadn’t been to in a while. go
see a movie. go out dancing
on a weekend’s night. or get
things done elsewise. do a
thing after which doing i
could easily see the fruits
of my labors. and by then
i’d be ‘on a roll,’ so to speak.
the motivation would be there.
the alarm clock just went off
for the week. and i haven’t
hit snooze. it’s an important
week to be motivated, to get
things done, and at the end
of the week I certainly hope
to see a veritable cornucopia
of fruits of my labor. so to
speak. sending this little
note out to you is always
worth a shot, too. some
thing i’ve made public, at
least somewhat, and which
now not only will i let those
of us truly involved down if
i don’t get things done, but
there’s also you. you can
‘tut-tut’ and point your
fingers all you want, is
what i’m saying. maybe
by this time next week i
won’t even have to be so
vague about the whole
thing. who knows? but
one thing for sure is, it’s
up to me to get it done.
thank you for listening,
and for being there.
oh, how i hope you are.

throw this dog a bone.