Thursday, June 23, 2022


An AspicEnhancer

Amy Sedaris used to tell
her brother David that his
teeth made his face look
like a bomb went off
nanosecond after which
time froze. I don’t really
remember, but it’s visually
understandable as a story
thus far – and I’ve seen
Sedaris (well, both of
them; not in person).
The joke isn’t about
the incredibly creepy
cover of the books
upon which every
cover which includes
indelible representations
of extremely creepy clowns
with very adorable children.
But I forget. I forget
the important stuff and
think of what? Time to
stuff? Time to get stuffed?
And, as cousin Bartholomew
can’t live a grand total of
two minutes without ever
saying one of those two
plump phrases in such a
way that we cannot stop
hearing it while it is being
said over and over and
can not erase ever after,
“And I mean that.” Be
fore they look carefully
at each of the choices
(numbers 3 and 14 each
pass as a correct answer):
Meathead! Meathead!
followed after about 13
seconds with “Edith!!
” And in that
precise accent we had
all just gleaned before
summer break by watch
ing Welcome Back Kotter.

wait here i have gone to get help