Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Pieces of Mind

This moment
is just a blip
in an otherwise
hectic day.

Is the crux
of the issue
that we simply
have no time
for such blips?

Psh! I feel
quite emphatic
that these blips
are not useless.
They are imp
ortant. They
are substance.

Am I but a blip?
Truly. Of this
there can be
no arguing.

I am a tiny
human blip
nestled with
in a medium-
sized metro
politan blip;

an inhabitant
of a world, of
a galaxy, of a
universe that
are each and
all blips, too.

This reflection,
this pleasant
ing blip in an
otherwise un
utilitarian day
is, I’d venture
to say, the very
height of this
day’s import,
its poignance.

I don’t give a
flip about being
but one mere blip
when in the grand
scheme of things
it’s the cumulative
blips that make me
much less of a drip
than most of the
breathing but be
leaguered blips I
encounter through
out my blippy

Life is weird?  Take some cat love.