Sunday, September 04, 2022


Breaking News

On the happy side,
I’m stuffed. Just
back from dinner
for one at Miss
Saigon. Shaken
chicken with gar
lic noodles, so del
icious, and then, I
stopped at the cor
ner store, otherwise
known by me as my
regular grocery store,
mostly, and picked up
two little tubs of creamy
flan for dessert (don’t
tell my diabetes, which
has been fine, by the
way, pretty much out
standing, says my doc
tor and the blood sugar
checks that I generally
remember to perform of
a morning) which I just
slurped up while saying
goodnight to my one true
correspondent (hello and
smoocherinos), which
was lovely but at the
same time made me
very drowsy, and I
said to him I’d
maybe just go
to sleep, too,
but then said,
well, perhaps
I should write
my little piece
first.  So, here 
it is, from me 
to you. Moving
the barometer
ever toward
the more plea
sant end of the
scale. An att
empt to stay
happy and to
say goodnight.

sated hippo