Monday, February 20, 2023


You-Turn at Hellscape’s Border

You sent
my strongest belief
all the way to the moon
that was You
and Your druthers
You had no intention
to finish the deal
Yours was with the devil
to make me a meal
You sent me a poisonous
something or other
and into a virtual coma
You heel
You sent me a message
about how I tasted
You took the old offer
with Lucifer danced
I was comatose comatose
mole me a ken
for You sent me a wheel
barrow filled to the brim
with Marlboro Lights
then You sent Carl to Garl
in my grandfather’s car
You sent Hedda Hopper
a red helicopter
You sent Aaron Burr
he didn’t concur
then strident with failure
the soup from the dregs
of the witch’s black cauldron
four petals of daisy
a ton of manure
You act the old man
in the stetl who sent
Harry’s mistress a sedan
full of cardigans all because
You’d given them up for lent
and what about me?
I have spent all my bills
for a whiff of Your scent
it’s obscene can’t You see that
the devil mayn’t cure
this horrid dizzies (cuz You
sucked all the bones out of
both of my ears)
oh dear You sent me a flurry of
weevils to wither my crops
which dizzied into a big crumple of whir
(oh, Lord if I’m ever as bored as a stale maple plank
please disallow my old love the same gall
to approach such a vulnerable
peasant as me)
You’ll crawl through the dormer and
slink through the attic and down the
creaked stairwell to slaughter my kittens
I’d rather submit to a tortuous slumber
in the thick of the brambles that wave in the breeze
like the darkest Pacific down that
barely discernible path
that we used to tread
Your hand soft in mine
oh You monstrous concoction
of amoral memory
You’re wearing
Your hood
and Your cape
and thank heavens my
eyes can now see through
such dapper illusions for You
are as evil as ever
conniving contriving
with my heart in Your hand
and Your deeds none but dastardly
You made a meal 
out of me
but only to
spit me
right out
go away
go away
I shall have no more
of You
not any
not ever
til my
eyes can but
watch as the
lid of the coffin
before it's nailed
into eternal darkness
then they will
see nothing
for my days
are done

Who's heart now?