Saturday, February 25, 2023


Hang On To The Sky,

Falls into bed like a clump.
Doesn’t leave home for a
month. Pondering how to
escape. Tucked into bed.

What an egghead! To com
plain about anything when
locked into one’s comfort
zone. Bleak sinking deeper,

the dumdum conundrum.
Can’t act without a goal,
can’t move without a
movement. A moment

to collect a thought....
I forgot. What a sin to
live life so lifeless.
Cooped up like a

chicken without
any wings. Sleep,
lazy monster.
Tomorrow’s cant

goes clippity-clop.
But you, however,
cannot but plop
and kerplunk.

U. R. A. Lay,
Zee. Clump.
O. Useless.
