Sunday, March 12, 2023


anywhere but here

i am trying to divert my focus

to what is beautiful. there are

any number of beautiful diversions.

so why exist in the darkness all of

the time? why be sad at all? ever?

this is certainly not a question that i

have normally had to ask myself. but

it is today, and has been at times of

recent. so what do i find myself doing?

i am watching the black and white whir at

the top of a short film about diane di prima.

this is what i happened upon a few short

moments ago. and on the very the same

device onto which i’m presently punching

out these lines. this is what happens when

one goes through the tiny bit of effort, it’s

effortless at times, quite often actually, of

diverting one’s attention away from the

bleak and toward the beautiful. the blur

or the whir of the black and white film,

hardly paying attention to whatever it

is upon which the focus of the camera

leans, it’s just a blur as if seen out the

window on a train-ride in the fifties or early

sixties, there could be windows, out of which

could be buildings, structures with insides

scattered with real people that existed

at the time this was filmed. people

who cohabited, worked or shopped.

follks who flirted, debated or argued.

what this blur gives my eyelids,

eyelids that are from the future, so

to speak, is a bit of a buzz, a slight lift,

as the words, which were spoken by the

subject of the film itself, but yet heard

by me as if simultaneously some sixty

or so years later, are sounds which mirror

the movement of the horizon, or whatever it

is that shimmers and glimmers on the screen,

whatever structures or open spaces are/were

being passed, by whatever passengers there might

be/have been, in whatever train or moving vehicle, i’m

guessing it’s public transportation, it could be a volkswagen

van with large windows through which all this flitting and

flickering occur(ed...), this vague movement from right

to left, as if someone, or as if the camera itself, is being

transported, just so that what it picks up on film, to be

watched in this case several decades into a future, lifts

these eyelids like a bit of a buzz, a literal high that enters

my heretofore sad or bleak self; i am lifted a bit by just

taking in the sight, the movement that exists on the

screen of the device that i soon thereafter watch these,

my very own lines of description, pile into a shaped form

in front of me, a form that could, if one is only a bit

imaginative, look a bit like a cliff, or a bluff, that is

reaching higher and higher into the sky, that is

beautiful, that is like no other cliff or bluff that

reaches, reaches, reaches, until it has made its

place, becomes its own fresh location. upon a

planet, something like but not quite like earth,

begins to be formed in and around it, and the

possibilities for more beauty on this planet, in this

new location, partially formed by me, partially formed

by the device onto which my fingers are audibly clanging,

partially informed by the short film about diane di prima,

which i just watched a few minutes before, are all giving

me this gift, a new cliff or bluff, a mountain, or you might

instead call it a hill, with texture and height, all of which

are just a beautiful diversion from what had been a

bleak morning. this is how one might easily, with

very little effort, improve one’s outlook, transporting

from a sad or bleak moment into an alternative

moment, a beautiful one, in fact. can you see it?

presenting a bluff